Craft Corner

Welcome to my Craft Corner! Whenever I do author visits at schools, nurseries, bookshops etc, one of the highlights is the craft workshop that I do with the kids after I’ve read one of my books.

I’ve created a series of craft sessions, and each one is based on a character from one of the books. For example, we have a paper-plate mask of Tawny the rhino and a Rory the tiger hand-print! 

As this has proven to be such a popular feature in my author visits, I decided to add a page to my website to showcase the crafts that the kids create.

If you would like your child’s artwork included in this gallery, simply email me a photo and your child’s name and age if you’re happy to provide it. I look forward to adding your crafts soon!


Here are some photos from my author event at Kingsley & Co, Bootle, on 19 November 2022. The children enjoyed making their own José the elephant from the third book in the Sumatran Trilogy, Hooray for Heidi!

Here are some photos from my two author events at Kingsley & Co, Bootle, in February 2022. There were various craft sessions in which the children made characters from the first two books in the Sumatran Trilogy, The Problem with Poppy and What’s Troubling Tawny? This consisted of Poppy the porcupine handprint, Rory the tiger paper plate, Rusty the rhino paper plate, and Tallulah the hornbill. Don’t they look great? 🙂